The Rover AVPro™
A powerful tool for automating waterway management in hard to reach locations. The Rover AVPro™ efficiently manages the worst of water pollution and minimizes the resources used in the cleanup process.
Optimize your pollution response and eliminate the risk of human exposure to toxins and bacteria during inspections, pollution control, and disaster response. Trust the Rover AVPro™ to bring you clean water 24/7.
Automate Dangerous and Dirty Jobs
The Rover AVPro™ is a remote control and autonomous platform built to maximize versatile waterway management:
- Remove 2 gallons of oil per minute
- Collect up to 100lb. of debris per bag
- Cut aquatic vegetation up to 5ft. of below the surface
- Spray 50gal. of herbicide on algae & invasive species
- Capture advanced bathymetric data
- Analyze VOC's with micro gas chromatograph
We've built our vessel to be optimized for attachments that allow 1 Rover to be your "swiss army knife" for pollution management. The Rover AVPro™ is optimal for ports, harbors, lakes, and marinas.

Versatile Autonomous Vessel
Debris Bag
Our reusable debris bag is custom-made out from 5mm ABS mesh and is designed to last up to 6 months with regular usage. The bag is optimal for capturing floating debris, algae, biomass, and oil using sorbent pillows.
Oil Skimmer
For effective small to medium spill management, use the oil-drum skimmer attachment Available in two sizes, the mini-skimmer collects 2 gallons per minute while the mega-skimmer skims up to 20 gallons per minute.
Vegetation Cutter
Lakes and waterways are easily overrun with invasive aquatic vegetation. Manage your aquatic plant growth by using the 5 ft. extendable cutter to trim unwanted and overgrown plants. Make a second pass with the bag to collect the cut debris.
Herbicidal Sprayer
Use our sprayer attachment to keep algal blooms and vegetation growth at bay. Routine herbicide spraying is recommended for bodies of water that receive large intakes of fertilizers and nutrient pollution that fuels algae and plant growth.
Debris Plow
The Plow attachment allows you to move unwanted material from your waterway without bagging or disposing of it. Seamlessly remove sargassum, dead fish, and other unwanted debris from your facility using our 15 ft. plow attachment.
Results you Can't Ignore
Automate Your Waterway With Rover AVPro™
Specs and Savings
Save Up To
per pound of debris removed
Clean Up To
15 Tons
of debris per year
Ultra Long Battery Life
20 hrs.
Cloud Connected Control
Control from anywhere over wifi
Rapid Deployment
10 Minutes or less with no attachments